PhD Seçkin Fidan

Seçkin Fidan

Phone: +90 212 285 61 08

Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
34469 Sarıyer Maslak – Istanbul, TURKEY


Research Interests

Geomorphology; Geohazards; Landslides, Fatal landslide; Landslide inventories; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Spatial Statistics.

Ph.D. Topic

As a Ph.D. student, I am interested in fatal landslides and landslide inventories on a global scale. Mainly, I focus on the relationship between topographic factors, precipitation, anthropogenic effects, and landslides in my current Ph.D. research. I use spatial statistical tools and machine learning methods with Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze spatial distribution.

In my master's thesis, I created a fatal landslide database that is the first for Turkey (FATALDOT).  I examined the spatial and temporal distribution of fatal landslides in Turkey, the trigger factors, and the relationship between these landslides with climate, topography, geological and human activity.

Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Görüm, T., & Fidan, S. (2021). Spatiotemporal variations of fatal landslides in Turkey. Landslides, 18(5), 1691-1705.

  • Fidan, S. ve Görüm, T. (2020). Türkiye’de ölümcül heyelanların dağılım karakteristikleri ve ulusal ölçekte öncelikli alanların belirlenmesi. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi (74), 123-134.

  • Gorum, T., Fidan, S., (2020). Fatal Landslide Database of Turkey (FATALDOT). In EGU 2020 General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna.

  • Fidan, S., Gorum, T., (2020). Temporal trends and controlling factors of fatal landslides in Turkey. In EGU 2020 General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna.