Prof. Dr. Ömer Lütfi Şen

Phone: +90 212 285 61 08
Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
34469 Sarıyer Maslak – Istanbul, TURKEY
Research Interests
Hydrometeorological hazards: floods, droughts, hail, thunderstorms, severe precipitation, heat waves; Climate variability, climate change, impact and hazard risk assessment; Hydrology and water resources; Atmospheric and hydrologic modeling.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
- Yılmaz, Y., Sen, O.L., Turunçoğlu, U.U., 2019, Modeling the hydroclimatic effects of local land use and land cover changes on the water budget in the upper Euphrates & Tigris Basin, Journal of Hydrology, 576, 596-609.
- Bozkurt, D., Ezber, Y., Sen, O.L., 2019: Role of the East Asian Trough on the eastern Mediterranean temperature variability in early spring and the extreme case of 2004 warm spell. Climate Dynamics, 53: 2309-2326.
- Yılmaz, Y.A., Aalstad, K., Sen, O.L, 2019, Multiple Remotely Sensed Lines of Evidence for a Depleting Seasonal Snowpack in the Near East. Remote Sens., 11(5), 483.
- Sen, O.L., Ezber, Y., Bozkurt, D., 2019: Euro-Mediterranean climate variability in boreal winter: A potential role of East Asian Trough, Climate Dynamics, 52, 7071-7084.
- Bozkurt, D. and O.L. Sen, 2013: Hydroclimatological impacts of climate change in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin based on different model and scenario simulations, Journal of Hydrology, 480:149-161.
- Sen, O.L., A. Unal, D. Bozkurt and T. Kindap, 2011: Temporal Changes in Euphrates and Tigris Discharges and Teleconnections, Environmental Research Letters, 6, 024012, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024012.
- Wang, Y., O.L. Sen, and B. Wang, 2003: A highly resolved regional climate model (IPRC_RegCM) and its simulation of the 1998 severe precipitation events over China.J. Climate, 16: 1721-1738. 0442(2003)016<1721:AHRRCM>2.0.CO;2