Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yıldırım

Phone: +90 212 285 61 08
Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
34469 Sarıyer Maslak – Istanbul, TURKEY
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
The main research topics of mine are Tectonic Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology especially along the margins of the Anatolian Plateau. Geospatial technologies, geomorphic mapping, morphometric analysis and radiometric dating techniques (e.g. Cosmogenic, OSL, U-Th and 14C) are at the hypocenter of my studies. I intensely employ tools of fluvial, coastal and glacial geomorphology to understand climate-tectonic interaction.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
- Yıldırım, C. Relative tectonic activity assessment of the Tuz Gölü Fault Zone; Central Anatolia, Turkey, Tectonophysics, 630, 183-192. 2014.
- Schildgen, T.F., Yıldırım, C., Cosentino, D., Strecker, M.R. Linking slab break-off, Hellenic trench retreat, and uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus. Earth-Science Reviews, 128, 147-168. 2014.
- Yıldırım, C., Melnick, D., Ballato, P., Schildgen, T.F., Echtler, H., Erginal, A.E., Kiyak, N.G., Strecker, M.R., Differential uplift along the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: Inferences from marine terraces. Quat. Sci. Rev., 81, 12-28. 2013.
- Yıldırım, C., Schildgen, T.F., Echtler, H., Melnick, D., Bookhagen, B., Çiner, A., Niederman, S., Merchel, S., Martschini, M., Steier, P., Strecker, M.R., Tectonic and climatic implications of fluvial incision at the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau based on multiple cosmogenic nuclides. Tectonics, 32, 1-14. 2013.
- Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C., Çiner, A. 2015. Late Quaternary alluvial fans of Emli Valley in the Ecemiş Fault Zone, south central Turkey: Insights from cosmogenic nuclides. Geomorphology, 228, 512-525.