PhD Aydoğan Avcıoğlu

Phone: +90 212 285 61 08
Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
34469 Sarıyer Maslak – Istanbul, TURKEY
Research Interests
Geomorphology; Soil geomorphology; Badlands; Hillslope processess and dynamics; Geomorphometry; Remote Sensing ; Geohazards
Ph.D. Topic
Aydogan, basically interests with arid-semi arid environments’ erosion processes using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sense(RS). He mainly focuses on a sedimentary environments where form badland, especially in the High Anatolian Plateau, is one of the unique landscapes like Tibetan Orogenic Plateau. Primary topics on badland are related with geomorphologic distributions, origins, geochemistry, and evolution
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
- Avcioglu, A., Görüm, T., Yetemen, Ö., & Moreno de las Heras, M. (2020). Geomorphometric characteristics of major badland landscapes of Turkey. EGU General Assembly. Vienna.
- Yetemen, Ö., Avcıoğlu, A., Çağlar, F., Ekberzade, B., Uğurcan, Ç., Şen, Ö. L., . . . Chun, K. P. (2020). A co-evolutionary modelling framework for water-soil-vegetation interactions in Turkish semiarid landscapes for sustainable natural resources under climate change. EGU General Assembly. Vienna.