PhD Abdüssamet Yılmaz

Abdüssamet Yılmaz

Phone: +90 212 285 61 08

Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
34469 Sarıyer Maslak – Istanbul, TURKEY


Research Interests

Geomorphology, Geohazards, Geomorphic Mapping, Geomorphometry, Landslide, Landslide inventory, Hillslope Processes, LiDAR, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS)

Ph.D. Topic

As an PhD student, I am interested in the mapping of landslides and surface erosion from geomorphological processes that are effective in site selection of Energy Transmission Lines. I am using a modern tool such as LIDAR in addition to the field-based observations and measurements, geospatial technologies, geomorphic mapping, morphometric analysis for geomorphologic processes mapping. Mainly, I aim to transform experience-based geomorphological mapping into a rule-based geomorphological mapping systematic by conducting hazard and susceptibility analysis of landslides on the energy transmission line route.

Selected Peer-reviewed Publications